Sunday, October 26, 2014

I am a terrible blogger.....

I really feel terrible for the LACK of posts I have done! So quick summary from what happened last and then on to the most recent events that I can cover in more detail. Since the last Big Long Post I did was in January about why I haven't blogged. Since then I have taken my exams in May and waited until my results came in July. And now you wait for the results as well. I had the wonderful chance to attend EFY with Tyler. The main speaker was Brad Wilcox, Tyler and I absolutely loved it. I got my results in July, a few days after EFY. I was one mark short of getting an IB diploma, I still passed Norwegian High School. Just not getting the fancy IB papers. And BYU-I still accepted me! Woo! So that was a great load off my back. :D I had been trying to get a job, which is really hard actually to find one of those. But at the end of September I finally got one! It is cafe work. I am the waitress and cashier. I take the orders back to my boss who fills them and then I take them out to the costumers. Hectic work, low stress then high stress; as no one comes in for hours at a time and then there are suddenly ten people who want big orders. So that is what I've been doing for the majority of my time. Six days a week, eight hours a day. ugh. Lots to do, but it is something that means money, so it's great! I have a few things coming up....I am getting 2-4 of my wisdom teeth out on November 6th. woo? It may only be 2 but I'm going to try to get the dentist to take the other 2 out as well. There is a Halloween party for the ward coming up, which should be fun. So yeah. That is my life right now. :D :) Hope everyone is doing well! Tata for now!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why I haven't been blogging..

This is how many days until I start exams! After that it is another Three weeks until I am finished! Here I come!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

11 days to school and Counting....

So I haven't blogged since we had the big Year anniversary. Yeah I am a terrible person. BUT I will update you now! (I know it is not the same but give me credit for trying.)

 March: Tyler and Andrew had birthday's and got the Priesthood.

 April: General Conference! Whooo. Tyler and I also had the opportunity to go to Balliaden, which is basically the Norwegian version of Youth Conference. We went down to Oslo and spent three nights sleeping in a school. There were a few dances and activities during the day, Tyler and I took an electronic and scrap booking class together. We also moved across town, which meant we had a lot of help from the great missionaries here! (they help us/others move a lot)

 May: I TURNED 17!!
Which means I have had two birthday's here in Norway. I can now,  uh... nothing fancy comes with 17 like it does with other birthdays, like dating or anything.(Dang it) My brothers did make me and my dad a cake. It had a balloon in the center, which I suspected, so I had my dad cut it. Thankfully it didn't explode (it was sad for my brothers) instead the layer of frosting just collapsed into the hole. I took my Math test. The first part was way easy, everyone finished early (including me). The second part was RIDICULOUSLY hard NO-ONE finished including the geniuses in my class. Then I had to sit back and wait until July to find out if I passed. And just because I can you will have to wait too. (Don't worry it is only a few lines down) Also in May was the 17. Mai, or Norwegian National day. That was a lot of fun. We spent it with friends, possibly missionaries, it is all a blur.  OH also in May we had about 80 youth from the stake, come up to see Trondheim. (It was the first time for several) We took them all on a tour by giving them a scavenger hunt. Then they spent the night, went to church with us the next day and then left! So it was a good, 20 hours with the youth.

June: This was the most pointless month of school EVER I spent a full month doing science experiments and talking about a huge report. About the second week of June all classes except Chemistry and Physics were pretty much cancled. Then the last week we just had one meeting about the report, then we were supposed to come to school the other days and work on it by ourselves. Yeah that didn't happen. We came to school but one day someone brought an X-box and I learned how to play that. Another day we walked around town, by the river, and up by the University. So yeah pointless weeks of school.  We also had a long weekend so we went to the Atlantic Coast Highway, as a family.
This is a bridge we have to cross before we get to the Atlantic highway.

BEAUTIFUL Views of the ocean.

Look at this!! 

These are called God's rays, we saw them the whole time because it had rained while we were there. 

We found jelly fish but were afraid to touch them with our hands.

Here is the actual bridge that is so famous. We crossed over this twice.

This is Trollstigen, it translates to Troll's Ladder
July: On July 2nd my Grandpa McKenzie came!! Yay! We took tours of the city with him! We went to Hell, because no tour of Norway is complete without a trip to Hell.

So because this is the ocean, it will eventually get to the US!  

So I wrote messages to everyone. 

These are the 7 sisters of Geiranger. They are all unwed, but have been asked several times. They just refuse the suitor from across the fjord.

This is the suitor. After being rejected 7 times he has turned to the bottle for solace.

Geiranger fjord!!!! From the top of the hill. It was a big fjord and big hill!

We had picnics, in the rain.

a closer view of Trollstigen

 So Just enjoy a quick over view. We went to the armory, the Nideros Cathedral, Geiranger Fjord, Trollstigen - That was a lot of fun, and an aquarium. It was a lot of fun to go out and explore Norway.
July 4th was a holiday in the US, but I celebrated here too. I found out that I passed my Math exam!!! I PASSED!! I was so am happy.
Watch out for trolls. 
What else in July. Ummm, I started working on the report. I chose to do it in English, I am writing about how Fantasy heroes are poor role models in real life. It has to be 4000 words. I am currently at 2, 6-something-something.

August: Worked a lot on the essay. I am also coming up on to school, I start again on the 19th!! AAAARRRGGGGHHHGG!! I don't know if I want it to come yet or not! The week before school starts I get to go to a meeting where I learn how to welcome the new kids. I get to show them around the school and make them play get to know you games with each other.

Things coming up: Skylee turns 8 in September and will get baptized. And Nothing else exciting!

Thanks for reading! And I will try to keep this more updated, but I can't promise anything with all my homework that I expect to come.

Love to everyone!!!! 